
Admin Photo

D@ΞИG ЯIZ@M resides in a small little dot city-state called Singapore. He is a travel bugger who enjoys photography. Beneath his smile lies a conglomerate of thoughts, a curiosity to discover the world.

He appreciates the simple things in life. The life he has always wanted is to see the world and taste the fullness of life.  He believes travelling broadens his mind in many ways. He learns the differences and embraces the similarities of one’s culture. He shoots anything that attracts his eyes, captures the emotions from those special moments in his life and share it to the world to get a glimpse ‘as he sees it’.

For any friendly matters, media invites, hotel reviews or engagements, shoot him an email.

143 Thoughts

  1. One thing we have in common is that we appreciate the simple things in life. That translate to what I always say about my profiles on leading social networking sites. I tend to create something beautiful out of the mundane. I believe everything around us has beauty. We just need to find them sometimes if it is not readily presented.

  2. Hello from USA
    Lucky you to live near Gardens by the Bay. Loved your Diwali photos. Diwalis is a riot of color and your photos captured it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

  3. Hi Hero,
    Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my photos of the sea. I also spent some time in Singapore and have some great pictures from there. For such a small place, it sure has a lot to see and do. I just started my blog so I don’t have any pictures from Singapore on there yet ;-)

  4. Hi..Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it. I loved the travel series on your blog, keep on writing & sharing! I am on a travel to Singapore and I will definitely look forward to reading your blog :)

  5. You have some great photos here! Interesting to see what it’s like to live in Singapore too. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, it’s much appreciated!

      1. Thanks! Yeah I think that’s true, the city centre is very small and full of history. I guess they don’t have much room to expand!

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog. What lovely pictures you have!! I wish I can travel too when all the job here is done!! (i wish!!! :D )

  7. Daeng! Congrats on winning the Marina Bay Favorite Blogger award! I just saw the award here on your “About” page. Very cool! I’m contacting you to tell you about a Singapore photo competition by Samsung. Go here and check it out:
    I’m not a PR so I can’t participate, but I hope you will! You could win a new camera! :)

    1. Many thanks for the wishes. That is so thoughtful of you Kelly! Appreciate much. Thank you for informing me about the competition which I’m not even aware of this.


  8. Thank you for liking my post Future Tense. I visit Singapore to see y relatives, and I love this place. Love your blog too, and I’ll be back. Do drop by mine again! :)

  9. You are a man after my own heart. I’m enjoying Paris, love photography, however I capture the moment with words. Great self introduction. Look forward to enjoying your work.

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog! I have very fond memories of Singapore, can’t wait to visit again. Your pictures are superb, enjoy your travels!

  11. [Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen. Travel articles that I had posted here were based on my personal experience so that you can get a glimpse of this world ‘as I see it.’]——> Thumbs Up!

  12. That is a wonderful “About” page, Hero. You are definitely accomplishing all that you’ve set out to do with your photography. Thank you for “Like-ing” my Geometry challenge photo. It’s a pleasure to “meet” you by way of that.

  13. I stumble upon your blog and oh boy! glad I did. Keep it up! I like most of the photographs you took and can I ask what gear you use? Set aside being informative with the current events. You got a new follower here.

  14. Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for checking out my blog, Dear Ms. Migraine, and liking it. Your pictures are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  15. Interested in Guest Blogging?
    Would you be interested in trading guest blog post on our blog, http://onetravelbloggers.com/? We are a blog whose audience enjoys reading anything about travel (e.g. “Best spots in Philly”, “Top 10 beaches in Spain”, “How to travel around Tokyo on a budget”, etc). And, of course, you’ll receive a FOLLOWED link to your blog or page of your choice.
    Please let me know if you’re interested. I think you’d be a great fit with our audience, and we’d also like to talk with you about other partnerships.
    Talk to you soon

  16. I’m not a photographer myself but my friend, fotokamera, has a great photo blog. Check her out at fotokamera.wordpress.com.
    I love architecture and design in general. The HashTag Towers are extraordinary. Thanks for reading my blog. Keep blogging.


  17. You have very nice blog… I like your photos very much. Can i be your follower? :)
    Terimakasih sudah mampir blog saya :D

  18. Hi thanks for commenting on my blog about STOMP, am from the UK but currently contracted to Singapore for three years. During my three years I hoped to travel this side of the world so I am sure I keep reading your blog to get ideas, plus am big into photography so if there is any locations to shoot or fancy going for a shoot with me and my friends, then let us know :o)

  19. Thank you for reading my posts on Beijing! Although not strictly from SG, I was born in the Lion City. ;) I used to go back every Easter but that was only until 1998 or maybe 2000, when the land around Marina Bay was still bare. It looks like the city-state has changed beyond recognition!

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog. Keep sharing ..
    I also learn from other people’s blog, including yours.

  21. hello from the east-coast of singapore…. even though i am double your age, looks like we have a few things in comment… the passion for travel & photography! still very new here on wordpress….let’s see how it goes here.

  22. At times, I wish I am also armed with a DSLR so I could bring more detailed photos effortlessly. In the meantime, I am utilizing what my poin-and-shoot offers. It challenges me a lot which is actually a cool thing.

      1. Thanks for that, but it’s really me whose looking forward to your next post. The thing is, your travels bring me to different countries I really like blogs that do that for me. On the other hand, my blog just bring you to one country: Philippines. However it may be, I am glad and proud that you appreciated it. I’m already salivating for that post about the Philippines — this early!

      2. And by the way, I think you haven’t unchecked that scroll infinitely option in your setting — on the category, reading. What’s the point? It’s, I think, the reason why my comments are landing to your spam folder. Hope you will deselect that asap to avoid receiving “real” comments in your spam.

  23. Hey LT!

    Just spent some time enjoying your space. You get around! Nice to visit places I’ve never been through your eyes. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much! Margie

  24. Hi, I was pleasantly surprised to find a fellow Singaporean travel blogger. I left our beautiful island about 4 years ago to live abroad for awhile. Thank you for visiting my blog. You take some very nice photos!

  25. thanks for liking my HK post. my photos are not as amazing as yours but i the experience was surely awesome. i look forward to reading your posts! :)

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